Hello and Welcome to my virtual table! Have a seat sip your coffee (or drink of your choice) while I share with you some of things that are happening on and around our table. Our table is so many times the 'happening place' at our house. We do so many things there. We color Easter eggs, decorate Christmas cookies, blow out birthday candles, do crafts, work on homework, share stories of our day at dinner, and so much more. We have laughed, cried and everything in between at the table.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Cereal Necklace

I think at one point in time every child does this activity. I know I did and all 4 of mine have done it more than once. 
Things you'll need:
String (I used ones from a sewing activity that I saved after the card board pieces were worn out. Of course   I washed them in the washing machine before we used them)
plate or bowl
cereal with a hole in the middle
Tape (if you use yarn)

First thing you want to do is take a piece of tape and wrap it around the end of your string if it doesn't have a hard end on it already. The tape makes it easier for little fingers. I used shoe strings so I didn't have to do this step. Then take one piece of cereal and tie it on the string as shown below. This prevents the cereal from coming off the other end of the string and falling to the floor. 
 We chose to use fruit loops for 2 reasons. 1: They are a bit bigger and easier for smaller fingers to handle and 2: We are learning colors and this was a great chance to talk about colors with them. I would occasionally say something like "what color are you putting on?" or "Andrew, Katey is putting on a blue one can you find a blue one to put on?" It wasn't constant but just a few prompts here and there to get them talking a little.  
 Of course they were eating as they were stringing. LOL
Katey kept showing me each piece before she put hers on as you can see in the picture below. I let them tell me all about the cereal and how they were making a pretty necklace. I had to help and encourage the 2 littlest one quite a bit to keep them going because at first they were having a hard time. A little bit of help and a LOT of encouragement goes a long way. 
 Even the older kids had a good time with the project. Sarah separated her's by color. Albert started to make a pattern but quickly gave that up. He did a few small patterns through out the necklace but he doesn't have the concentration needed to keep going with one pattern for to long. 
 So when they are all done with their necklaces simply tie the ends together and you have a beautiful snack! When I tied them together I left a little empty string in the necklace part so that they didn't have cereal on the back of their necks.
Have fun and Enjoy the chatter and smiles!

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