Hello and Welcome to my virtual table! Have a seat sip your coffee (or drink of your choice) while I share with you some of things that are happening on and around our table. Our table is so many times the 'happening place' at our house. We do so many things there. We color Easter eggs, decorate Christmas cookies, blow out birthday candles, do crafts, work on homework, share stories of our day at dinner, and so much more. We have laughed, cried and everything in between at the table.

Friday, April 25, 2014

Banana 'ice cream'

One of the things that I have recently started to do is try to eliminate some preservatives, artificial colors and flavors, and dyes from our diet. Why you ask? Well because some parents of kids with ADHD and autism have said that eliminating certain things from their diets have helped with attention, behavior etc. So I thought well why not give it a try. Plus eating healthier is a good idea for everyone anyway. This is one of the things we've tried and loved.
So I have to be honest here I did not come up with idea all on my own. I saw this and thought immediately that this is something my kids would love. Plus one thing I try to limit in my son's diet is milk products and this is milk free.
This is super simple and easy!! I left some bananas sit until they started to brown. I cut about 4 bananas up into chunks. Put them in a Ziploc bag and tossed them into the freezer for a few hours. Then I simply took the frozen banana chunks and put them in the food processer. Then like magic you have a yummy frozen treat. It really is like eating banana ice cream.
 Here you can see just how much it does look like ice cream.

I'd like to try this with adding some strawberries or something to it. I wonder how that would turn? Hmmm.........

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