Hello and Welcome to my virtual table! Have a seat sip your coffee (or drink of your choice) while I share with you some of things that are happening on and around our table. Our table is so many times the 'happening place' at our house. We do so many things there. We color Easter eggs, decorate Christmas cookies, blow out birthday candles, do crafts, work on homework, share stories of our day at dinner, and so much more. We have laughed, cried and everything in between at the table.

Friday, April 25, 2014

Starting anew!

So here goes another shot and trying to keep up with blog page. :)
I had the idea to start this page a few years ago to put our activities and projects onto. Well I ended up running out of ideas quickly and gave this page up. I am going to now give it another go. I am still going to post our activities and projects and such but I am adding a few other things in. I want to also start posting recipes and some things about our adventures through life. I figure with a teenager, an autistic son, and 2 preschoolers that I should have plenty of adventures both good and bad to share. Maybe just maybe our adventures will help someone else along the way. 

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